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  • Utkarsh Ayachit's avatar
    ENH: Adding support for vtkTables as first class data objects in Paraview. · 57d4ae31
    Utkarsh Ayachit authored
    Fixes BUG #7786. This covers a broad array of fixes/enhancments including:
    * Histrogram filter produces vtkTable.
    * Charts now use vtkTable (instead of vtkRectilinear grid).
    * Charts can plot any attribute data.
    * CSV Reader reads in vtkTable instead of vtkRectilinear.
    * Spreadsheet view cleanup --  the streaming logic is now more streamlined :).
    * Selection widget performance -- when a large number of cells/points were
      selected/unselected, the client would take a lot of time updating the
      selection inspector panel. This is now fixed.
    * Merging vtkTimeSeriesWriter into vtkParallelSerialWriter and fixing it to work
      with arbitrary data-objects rather than just vtkPolyData.