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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: Adding ability to remove from vtkGraph · e3f68465
    Jeff Baumes authored
    vtkMutableDirected/UndirectedGraph now have RemoveVertex,
    RemoveEdge functions. Each re-assigns (moves) the last item
    in place of the deleted item. RemoveVertices and RemoveEdges
    are also available for removing sets of vertices and edges.
    ENH: Adding vtkStreamGraph
    vtkStreamGraph continuously merges its input with an internal graph,
    and returns that internal graph.
    ENH: Adding remove capability to mutable graph helper.
    ENH: Adding capability to limit the number of edges in vtkMergeGraph and vtkStreamGraph.
    ENH: Adding fast b-spline option to vtkSplineGraphEdges.
    ENH: Adding capability for graph pipeline inside a vtkTreeAreaView to report progress from its internal filters.
    This required making a RegisterProgress() function on
    STYLE: Improving documentation for vtkMergeGraphs, vtkStreamGraph.