diff --git a/Documentation/release/dev/vtkNumberToString-deprecation.md b/Documentation/release/dev/vtkNumberToString-deprecation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c09f081a16572eb7b7906235c0822078211e13fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/release/dev/vtkNumberToString-deprecation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+## vtkNumberToString operator() deprecation
+In order to introduce more flexibility in vtkNumberToString,
+the vtkNumberToString () operator has been deprecated and
+the usage as change.
+Previous usage:
+vtkNumberToString convert;
+New usage:
+vtkNumberToString converter;
+## vtkNumberToString lowExponent and highExponent parameters
+vtkNumberToString now lets users specify a lowExponent and highExponent in
+order to specify when scientific or fixed notation should be used.
+vtkNumberToString converter;
+Will output:
diff --git a/IO/Core/Testing/Cxx/TestNumberToString.cxx b/IO/Core/Testing/Cxx/TestNumberToString.cxx
index ef82469d08f5065c17740fe4d9f934894e0654d2..91cfcd1751a25c06357771a65f2d1bc98efbb52e 100644
--- a/IO/Core/Testing/Cxx/TestNumberToString.cxx
+++ b/IO/Core/Testing/Cxx/TestNumberToString.cxx
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
 template <typename T>
-int TestConvert(unsigned int samples);
+int TestConvertPrecision(unsigned int samples);
+template <typename T>
+int TestConvertLowHigh(unsigned int samples);
 template <typename T>
 int ConvertNumericLimitsValue(const char* t, T);
@@ -71,31 +73,33 @@ int TestNumberToString(int, char*[])
   unsigned int samples = 10000;
-  if (TestConvert<float>(samples) || TestConvert<double>(samples))
+  if (TestConvertPrecision<float>(samples) || TestConvertPrecision<double>(samples))
     return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  else
+  if (TestConvertLowHigh<float>(samples) || TestConvertLowHigh<double>(samples))
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 template <typename T>
-int TestConvert(unsigned int samples)
+int TestConvertPrecision(unsigned int samples)
   std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   for (int p = 5; p < 20; ++p)
     unsigned int matches = 0;
     unsigned int mismatches = 0;
     // Now convert numbers to strings. Read the strings as floats and doubles
     // and compare the results with the original values.
-    vtkNumberToString convert;
       vtkSmartPointer<vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence> randomSequence =
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ int TestConvert(unsigned int samples)
         T value = randomSequence->GetRangeValue(-1.0, 1.0);
         std::stringstream convertedStr;
-        convertedStr << convert(value);
+        convertedStr << converter.Convert(value);
         std::stringstream rawStr;
         rawStr << std::setprecision(p) << value;
@@ -141,15 +145,50 @@ int TestConvert(unsigned int samples)
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+template <typename T>
+int TestConvertLowHigh(unsigned int samples)
+  // Now convert numbers to strings. Read the strings as floats and doubles
+  // and compare the results with the original values.
+  for (int iLow = -20; iLow <= 0; iLow++)
+  {
+    for (int iHigh = 0; iHigh <= 20; iHigh++)
+    {
+      std::cout << "Testing low exponent: " << iLow << ", high exponent: " << iHigh << "."
+                << std::endl;
+      vtkNumberToString converter;
+      converter.SetLowExponent(iLow);
+      converter.SetHighExponent(iHigh);
+      vtkSmartPointer<vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence> randomSequence =
+        vtkSmartPointer<vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence>::New();
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)
+      {
+        randomSequence->Next();
+        T value = randomSequence->GetRangeValue(
+          std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+        std::string str = converter.Convert(value);
+        T convertedValue = std::stod(str);
+        if (convertedValue != value)
+        {
+          std::cout << "ERROR: " << value << " != " << convertedValue << std::endl;
+          return EXIT_FAILURE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 template <typename T>
 int ConvertNumericLimitsValue(const char* t, T)
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   int status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
     T value = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
     std::stringstream convertedStr;
-    convertedStr << convert(value);
+    convertedStr << converter.Convert(value);
     std::istringstream convertedStream(convertedStr.str());
     std::cout << t << "(max) "
               << "raw: " << value << " converted: " << convertedStream.str() << std::endl;
@@ -165,7 +204,7 @@ int ConvertNumericLimitsValue(const char* t, T)
     T value = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
     std::stringstream convertedStr;
-    convertedStr << convert(value);
+    convertedStr << converter.Convert(value);
     std::istringstream convertedStream(convertedStr.str());
     std::cout << t << "(min) "
               << "raw: " << value << " converted: " << convertedStream.str() << std::endl;
@@ -181,7 +220,7 @@ int ConvertNumericLimitsValue(const char* t, T)
     T value = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
     std::stringstream convertedStr;
-    convertedStr << convert(value);
+    convertedStr << converter.Convert(value);
     std::istringstream convertedStream(convertedStr.str());
     std::cout << t << "(lowest) "
               << "raw: " << value << " converted: " << convertedStream.str() << std::endl;
@@ -197,7 +236,7 @@ int ConvertNumericLimitsValue(const char* t, T)
     T value = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
     std::stringstream convertedStr;
-    convertedStr << convert(value);
+    convertedStr << converter.Convert(value);
     std::istringstream convertedStream(convertedStr.str());
     std::cout << t << "(epsilon) "
               << "raw: " << value << " converted: " << convertedStream.str() << std::endl;
diff --git a/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.cxx b/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.cxx
index 20dad560d9c9f366269036d48bb52844d4bc8d01..7b164e86d58a422a880fdfa0466bfa0b78a13ca6 100644
--- a/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.cxx
+++ b/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.cxx
@@ -19,21 +19,18 @@
 #include VTK_DOUBLECONVERSION_HEADER(double-conversion.h)
 // clang-format on
+#include <array>
 #include <sstream>
 template <typename TagT>
 inline ostream& ToString(ostream& stream, const TagT& tag)
-  char buf[256];
-  const double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter& converter =
-    double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::EcmaScriptConverter();
-  double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buf, sizeof(buf));
-  builder.Reset();
-  converter.ToShortest(tag.Value, &builder);
-  stream << builder.Finalize();
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
+  stream << converter.Convert(tag.Value);
   return stream;
@@ -49,4 +46,62 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const vtkNumberToString::TagFloat& tag)
   return ToString(stream, tag);
+void vtkNumberToString::SetLowExponent(int lowExponent)
+  this->LowExponent = lowExponent;
+int vtkNumberToString::GetLowExponent()
+  return this->LowExponent;
+void vtkNumberToString::SetHighExponent(int highExponent)
+  this->HighExponent = highExponent;
+int vtkNumberToString::GetHighExponent()
+  return this->HighExponent;
+std::string vtkNumberToString::Convert(double val)
+  // Copied from double-conversion::EcmaScriptConverter
+  // the last two arguments of the constructor have no effect with ToShortest
+  constexpr int flags = double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::UNIQUE_ZERO |
+    double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN;
+  double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
+    flags, "Infinity", "NaN", 'e', this->LowExponent, this->HighExponent + 1, 6, 0);
+  std::array<char, 256> buf;
+  double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buf.data(), static_cast<int>(buf.size()));
+  builder.Reset();
+  converter.ToShortest(val, &builder);
+  return builder.Finalize();
+std::string vtkNumberToString::Convert(float val)
+  // Copied from double-conversion::EcmaScriptConverter
+  // the last two arguments of the constructor have no effect with ToShortest
+  constexpr int flags = double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::UNIQUE_ZERO |
+    double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN;
+  double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
+    flags, "Infinity", "NaN", 'e', this->LowExponent, this->HighExponent + 1, 6, 0);
+  std::array<char, 256> buf;
+  double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buf.data(), static_cast<int>(buf.size()));
+  builder.Reset();
+  converter.ToShortestSingle(val, &builder);
+  return builder.Finalize();
diff --git a/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.h b/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.h
index 4aff3556c4cdbe9f25d4ba2437ccea123cf85704..504385fd6bbff74b197bf7c0397a9e382fc3c4cb 100644
--- a/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.h
+++ b/IO/Core/vtkNumberToString.h
@@ -16,22 +16,36 @@
  * @class vtkNumberToString
  * @brief Convert floating and fixed point numbers to strings
- * This class uses the double-conversion library to convert floating point and
- * fixed point numbers to ASCII versions that are represented without
- * numerical precision errors.
+ * This class uses the double-conversion library to convert float and double
+ * numbers to std::string without numerical precision errors.
+ * It is possible to specify the low and high exponent where the string representation
+ * will switch to scientific notation instead of fixed point notation.
+ *
+ * For other types, this class rely on std::to_string.
  * Typical use:
  * @code{cpp}
  *  #include "vtkNumberToString.h"
- *  vtkNumberToString convert;
  *  float a = 1.0f/3.0f;
- *  std::cout << convert(a) << std::endl;
+ *  vtkNumberToString converter;
+ *  std::cout << converter.Convert(a) << std::endl;
  * @endcode
+ *
+ * @code{cpp}
+ *  #include "vtkNumberToString.h"
+ *  double a = 1e7*vtkMath::PI();
+ *  vtkNumberToString converter;
+ *  converter.SetLowExponent(-6);
+ *  converter.SetHighExponent(6);
+ *  std::cout << converter.Convert(a) << std::endl;
+ * @endcode
 #ifndef vtkNumberToString_h
 #define vtkNumberToString_h
+#include "vtkDeprecation.h"  // For VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_3_0
 #include "vtkIOCoreModule.h" // For export macro
 #include "vtkTypeTraits.h"
@@ -42,6 +56,45 @@ VTK_ABI_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
 class VTKIOCORE_EXPORT vtkNumberToString
+  ///@{
+  /**
+   * Set/Get the LowExponent for string conversion.
+   * It correspond to the closest to zero exponent value that
+   * will use fixed point notation in the returned string instead of a scientific notation.
+   * eg:
+   * LowExponent = 6, 1e-6 -> "0.000001"
+   * LowExponent = 5, 1e-6 -> "1e-6"
+   */
+  void SetLowExponent(int lowExponent);
+  int GetLowExponent();
+  ///@}
+  ///@{
+  /**
+   * Set/Get the HighExponent for string conversion.
+   * HighExponent correspond to the highest exponent value that
+   * will use fixed point notation in the returned string instead of a scientific notation.
+   * HighExponent = 6, 1e6 -> "1000000"
+   * HighExponent = 5, 1e6 -> "1e6"
+   */
+  void SetHighExponent(int highExponent);
+  int GetHighExponent();
+  ///@{
+  /**
+   * Convert a number to an accurate string representation of that number.
+   * A templated generic implementation is provided, which rely on std::to_string for types
+   * other than double or float.
+   */
+  std::string Convert(double val);
+  std::string Convert(float val);
+  template <typename T>
+  std::string Convert(const T& val)
+  {
+    return std::to_string(val);
+  }
+  ///@}
   struct TagDouble
     double Value;
@@ -65,8 +118,14 @@ public:
     return val;
+  VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_3_0("Use vtkNumberToString::Convert instead.")
   TagDouble operator()(const double& val) const { return TagDouble(val); }
+  VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_3_0("Use vtkNumberToString::Convert instead.")
   TagFloat operator()(const float& val) const { return TagFloat(val); }
+  int LowExponent = -6;
+  int HighExponent = 20;
 VTKIOCORE_EXPORT ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const vtkNumberToString::TagDouble& tag);
diff --git a/IO/Export/vtkOBJExporter.cxx b/IO/Export/vtkOBJExporter.cxx
index 618c83b6f5f5eeacc4d86b9b8a63dc2a526a68cc..bc94c5f24e28de58997859adbf02a9ed0d48841a 100644
--- a/IO/Export/vtkOBJExporter.cxx
+++ b/IO/Export/vtkOBJExporter.cxx
@@ -194,23 +194,23 @@ void vtkOBJExporter::WriteAnActor(
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
   double temp;
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   fpMtl << "newmtl mtl" << idStart << "\n";
   tempd = prop->GetAmbientColor();
   temp = prop->GetAmbient();
-  fpMtl << "Ka " << convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << convert(temp * tempd[1]) << " "
-        << convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
+  fpMtl << "Ka " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[1])
+        << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
   tempd = prop->GetDiffuseColor();
   temp = prop->GetDiffuse();
-  fpMtl << "Kd " << convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << convert(temp * tempd[1]) << " "
-        << convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
+  fpMtl << "Kd " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[1])
+        << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
   tempd = prop->GetSpecularColor();
   temp = prop->GetSpecular();
-  fpMtl << "Ks " << convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << convert(temp * tempd[1]) << " "
-        << convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
-  fpMtl << "Ns " << convert(prop->GetSpecularPower()) << "\n";
-  fpMtl << "Tr " << convert(prop->GetOpacity()) << "\n";
+  fpMtl << "Ks " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[1])
+        << " " << converter.Convert(temp * tempd[2]) << "\n";
+  fpMtl << "Ns " << converter.Convert(prop->GetSpecularPower()) << "\n";
+  fpMtl << "Tr " << converter.Convert(prop->GetOpacity()) << "\n";
   fpMtl << "illum 3\n";
   // Actor has the texture
@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ void vtkOBJExporter::WriteAnActor(
   for (i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
     p = points->GetPoint(i);
-    fpObj << "v " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << " " << convert(p[2]) << "\n";
+    fpObj << "v " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << " "
+          << converter.Convert(p[2]) << "\n";
   idNext = idStart + static_cast<int>(points->GetNumberOfPoints());
@@ -282,7 +283,8 @@ void vtkOBJExporter::WriteAnActor(
     for (i = 0; i < normals->GetNumberOfTuples(); i++)
       p = normals->GetTuple(i);
-      fpObj << "vn " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << " " << convert(p[2]) << "\n";
+      fpObj << "vn " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << " "
+            << converter.Convert(p[2]) << "\n";
@@ -292,7 +294,8 @@ void vtkOBJExporter::WriteAnActor(
     for (i = 0; i < tcoords->GetNumberOfTuples(); i++)
       p = tcoords->GetTuple(i);
-      fpObj << "vt " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << " " << 0.0 << "\n";
+      fpObj << "vt " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << " " << 0.0
+            << "\n";
diff --git a/IO/Geometry/Testing/Cxx/TestOBJPolyDataWriter.cxx b/IO/Geometry/Testing/Cxx/TestOBJPolyDataWriter.cxx
index 146afdf199de6dad14c3b1d00f07ae02b89eea86..a13cdf815b4c99ae35df747de9de0b06ca83fdde 100644
--- a/IO/Geometry/Testing/Cxx/TestOBJPolyDataWriter.cxx
+++ b/IO/Geometry/Testing/Cxx/TestOBJPolyDataWriter.cxx
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ int TestOBJPolyDataWriter(int argc, char* argv[])
   // check values
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
   int numberOfDifferentPoints = 0;
   int numberOfDifferentNormals = 0;
   int numberOfDifferentTCoords = 0;
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < polyInput->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
     double pi[3], po[3];
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ int TestOBJPolyDataWriter(int argc, char* argv[])
     if (vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pi, po) > 0.0)
       cerr << "Point is different.\n";
-      cerr << "  Input:  " << convert(pi[0]) << " " << convert(pi[1]) << " " << convert(pi[2])
-           << "\n";
-      cerr << "  Output: " << convert(po[0]) << " " << convert(po[1]) << " " << convert(po[2])
-           << "\n";
+      cerr << "  Input:  " << converter.Convert(pi[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(pi[1]) << " "
+           << converter.Convert(pi[2]) << "\n";
+      cerr << "  Output: " << converter.Convert(po[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(po[1]) << " "
+           << converter.Convert(po[2]) << "\n";
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ int TestOBJPolyDataWriter(int argc, char* argv[])
     if (vtkMath::AngleBetweenVectors(pi, po) > 0)
       cerr << "Normal is different:\n";
-      cerr << "  Input:  " << convert(pi[0]) << " " << convert(pi[1]) << " " << convert(pi[2])
-           << "\n";
-      cerr << "  Output: " << convert(po[0]) << " " << convert(po[1]) << " " << convert(po[2])
-           << "\n";
+      cerr << "  Input:  " << converter.Convert(pi[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(pi[1]) << " "
+           << converter.Convert(pi[2]) << "\n";
+      cerr << "  Output: " << converter.Convert(po[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(po[1]) << " "
+           << converter.Convert(po[2]) << "\n";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ int TestOBJPolyDataWriter(int argc, char* argv[])
     if (vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pi, po) > 0.0)
       cerr << "Texture coord is different:\n";
-      cerr << "Input:  " << convert(pi[0]) << " " << convert(pi[1]) << "\n";
-      cerr << "Output: " << convert(po[0]) << " " << convert(po[1]) << "\n";
+      cerr << "Input:  " << converter.Convert(pi[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(pi[1]) << "\n";
+      cerr << "Output: " << converter.Convert(po[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(po[1]) << "\n";
diff --git a/IO/Geometry/vtkOBJWriter.cxx b/IO/Geometry/vtkOBJWriter.cxx
index 1d2fb3bddda22e5a6a099f2b83b106549136f5ee..68d8e5ec777393bc51faa0c5f00e94ac7b83d947 100644
--- a/IO/Geometry/vtkOBJWriter.cxx
+++ b/IO/Geometry/vtkOBJWriter.cxx
@@ -96,15 +96,16 @@ struct EndIndex
 void WritePoints(std::ostream& f, vtkPoints* pts, vtkDataArray* normals,
   const std::vector<vtkDataArray*>& tcoordsArray, std::vector<EndIndex>* endIndexes)
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
   vtkIdType nbPts = pts->GetNumberOfPoints();
   // Positions
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < nbPts; i++)
     double p[3];
     pts->GetPoint(i, p);
-    f << "v " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << " " << convert(p[2]) << "\n";
+    f << "v " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << " "
+      << converter.Convert(p[2]) << "\n";
   // Normals
@@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ void WritePoints(std::ostream& f, vtkPoints* pts, vtkDataArray* normals,
       double p[3];
       normals->GetTuple(i, p);
-      f << "vn " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << " " << convert(p[2]) << "\n";
+      f << "vn " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << " "
+        << converter.Convert(p[2]) << "\n";
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ void WritePoints(std::ostream& f, vtkPoints* pts, vtkDataArray* normals,
           tcoords->GetTuple(i, p);
           if (p[0] != -1.0)
-            f << "vt " << convert(p[0]) << " " << convert(p[1]) << "\n";
+            f << "vt " << converter.Convert(p[0]) << " " << converter.Convert(p[1]) << "\n";
             pointEndIndex = i + 1;
diff --git a/IO/XML/vtkXMLWriter.cxx b/IO/XML/vtkXMLWriter.cxx
index 0edcc6064a7a286b57e493fa5a15ff968c6c5fa2..8feda99876f0d81eb4897174df657c034f0f0c02 100644
--- a/IO/XML/vtkXMLWriter.cxx
+++ b/IO/XML/vtkXMLWriter.cxx
@@ -1593,14 +1593,14 @@ const char* vtkXMLWriter::GetWordTypeName(int dataType)
 template <class T>
 int vtkXMLWriterWriteVectorAttribute(ostream& os, const char* name, int length, T* data)
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
   os << " " << name << "=\"";
   if (length)
-    os << convert(data[0]);
+    os << converter.Convert(data[0]);
     for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i)
-      os << " " << convert(data[i]);
+      os << " " << converter.Convert(data[i]);
   os << "\"";
@@ -1896,8 +1896,8 @@ bool vtkXMLWriter::WriteInformation(vtkInformation* info, vtkIndent indent)
 template <class T>
 inline ostream& vtkXMLWriteAsciiValue(ostream& os, const T& value)
-  vtkNumberToString convert;
-  os << convert(value);
+  vtkNumberToString converter;
+  os << converter.Convert(value);
   return os;