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  • Andras Lasso's avatar
    BUG: Fix crash in vtkImageHistogram if input contains NaN · 1a889f6d
    Andras Lasso authored
    vtkImageHistogram caused application crash when input image contained NaN value
    using Intel TBB backend, Visual Studio 2017, x64.
    The problem was that when the image contained a NaN value then the computed scalar range was set to (Nan, Nan),
    which later got converted to invalid bin min/max indexes. The safety check that should have forced
    the indices to the valid range did not work, as it relied on comparison with a NaN value.
    Fixed computation of scalar range (similar to how it is done here:
    vtk/vtk@06d553fb), by changing
    the order of operands in the ternary operator.
    To make sure that similar error do not cause crash in the future, added a NaN-value check in the bin range computation, too.
    Added test case to verify that the results are correct and the application does not crash anymore if input image contains NaN.