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  • Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar
    PolxarAxisFeatures: · 0063c6a9
    Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) authored
    New Feature for vtkAxisFollower
     * Offset is now vectoriel
    New features for axis actor
     * Finer control over size, thickness and placement of "minor" and "major" ticks
     * New Exponent label, with it's own location
     * Bug correction for Title visibility
     * Title Alignement control
     * Log axis
     * Better label style and scaling
     * Deprecation of CalculateLabelOffset and CalculateTitleOffset, which changes the class default behavior
    New features in polar exis actor
     * Finer control over each polar exis, radial axis, and secondary axis ( visibility, style, color )
     * Finer control over main arc and secondary arcs ( visibility, number, style, color)
     * Finer control over ticks and labels (visibility, style, color)