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  • David Gobbi's avatar
    ENH: Macro expansion for VTK wrappers. · 4a8b64c5
    David Gobbi authored
    Allow the wrapper's preprocessor to perform macro expansion.  Prior
    to this change, only a few function macros that were hard-coded into
    the wrappers could be used in the VTK headers.  Custom macros would
    previously cause the wrapper generation to fail.
    Some macros are not expanded for the sake of backwards compatibility:
    1) VTK_* macro constants are not expanded, since these are recognized
    by some of the later stages of the wrapper processing.
    2) vtkDataArray, if defined as a macro, is not expanded in order to
    allow the vtkDataArrayTemplate superclass trick work as before.
    3) All previously hard-coded macros such as the vtkSet/Get macros are
    still hard-coded for now, to ensure backwards compatiblity
    Change-Id: I96deec4b9c98badfed88831027011904d197840f