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ENH: ModuleDrivers, Modules added. Geometry transforms. Multi viewer support....

Andrew Wilson requested to merge andrew.wilson/iMSTK:osteo into master


  • The ModuleDriver was added. This is the abstract base class for all drivers. That is, objects the user sets up and gives the modules, which implement the running of the modules.
  • SimulationManager was added. This is the only concrete implementation of ModuleDriver. It can run modules in parallel, sequentially (with other sequential modules), or adaptively (substeps based on time passed). Viewers only run sequentially.
    • The configuration used across most imstk examples is to run all modules in parallel. A couple examples use substepping by specifying the SceneManager as adaptive. Eventually we'd hope to move away from running SceneManagers in parallel.
    • Another pro is that the VTK render call is not done within the event loop anymore. This could cause weird behavior in VTK with render updates freezing when other events such as interactors were used. This also allows smooth interpolation of the camera.
  • Rendering Lights fix
  • Transforms used in Geometry base class now (anisotropic scaling supported).
  • Finite difference curvature functor added
    • Currently commented out in LevelSetModel
  • VisualObjectImporter upgraded. Supports the import of scene graphs/hierarchical transforms (but flattens them). And shared materials.
  • ImplicitGeometryToPointSetCCD fix
  • LevelSetCH
    • Now supports varied gaussianKernel sizes
    • Proportional force support added back
    • Advection point masking support added
  • Controllers now have access to dt's
  • RigidObjectController fixed
  • Multiple viewers supported in renderer and its delegates
  • Scene now has option (and is default behavior) to initialize the center of the debug camera on the bounding box of the scene. EXAMPLES & EXTERNAL DATA
  • stanfordBunny added both SDF and STL
  • femurBone SDF updated (rotated)
  • axesPoly.vtk added
  • SDFHapticExample added, this does point spring constraints via SDF on the stanford bunny.
  • LevelSet-RigidInteractionExample updated for stable haptic feedback and some bloat removed. It is tuned to my system though, if yours is slower it may not work. Also now has a ghost object to visualize the actual location of the tool vs the coupled.
Edited by Andrew Wilson

Merge request reports
