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Module callbacks

Alexis Girault requested to merge alexis-girault/iMSTK:module-callbacks into master
  • Allows to set up custom behaviors in all subclasses of the Module class, at the following times:

    • prior to initialization
    • after initialization
    • prior to update
    • after update
    • prior to clean up
    • after clean up
  • Improve the testTwoFalcons example in Sandbox to quickly illustrate how to simply setup a logger for a deviceclient using those features.

  • Expose UPS Counter value through the Module callbacks mechanism in two deformable body examples (pbd and fem), and simplify the Module class by removing its dependency to the UPSCounter class which isn't needed anymore


  • add interface to expose sceneManager module from the simulationManager
  • refactor testTwoFalcons to get rid of camera controller feature in that test

Merge request reports
