From 1ba07ff0f87101da9c7b35eee3f91a2c1cb0f86f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: KWSys Upstream <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 10:27:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] KWSys 2021-04-26 (642ddfcc)

Code extracted from:

at commit 642ddfccfea808632f8d4b3be03971903e3d359d (master).

Upstream Shortlog

Rolf Eike Beer (1):
      7b0f5c20 SystemInformation: improve CPU counting on non-standard architectures
 SystemInformation.cxx | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SystemInformation.cxx b/SystemInformation.cxx
index 7743eabe95..117ff8d1ec 100644
--- a/SystemInformation.cxx
+++ b/SystemInformation.cxx
@@ -3472,6 +3472,10 @@ bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetreiveInformationFromCpuInfoFile()
   // We want to record the total number of cores in this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU
   // (checking only the first proc)
   std::string Cores = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer, "cpu cores");
+  if (Cores.empty()) {
+    // Linux Sparc is different
+    Cores = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer, "ncpus probed");
+  }
   auto NumberOfCoresPerSocket = (unsigned int)atoi(Cores.c_str());
   NumberOfCoresPerSocket = std::max(NumberOfCoresPerSocket, 1u);
   this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU =
@@ -3490,6 +3494,9 @@ bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetreiveInformationFromCpuInfoFile()
   if (this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU <= 0) {
     this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU = 1;
+  if (this->NumberOfLogicalCPU == 0) {
+    this->NumberOfLogicalCPU = this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU;
+  }
   // LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical>1 => SMT.
   this->Features.ExtendedFeatures.LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical =
     this->NumberOfLogicalCPU / this->NumberOfPhysicalCPU;
@@ -3503,8 +3510,18 @@ bool SystemInformationImplementation::RetreiveInformationFromCpuInfoFile()
   else {
     // Linux Sparc: CPU speed is in Hz and encoded in hexadecimal
     CPUSpeed = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer, "Cpu0ClkTck");
-    this->CPUSpeedInMHz =
-      static_cast<float>(strtoull(CPUSpeed.c_str(), nullptr, 16)) / 1000000.0f;
+    if (!CPUSpeed.empty()) {
+      this->CPUSpeedInMHz =
+        static_cast<float>(strtoull(CPUSpeed.c_str(), nullptr, 16)) /
+        1000000.0f;
+    } else {
+      // if the kernel is build as Sparc32 it's in decimal, note the different
+      // case
+      CPUSpeed = this->ExtractValueFromCpuInfoFile(buffer, "CPU0ClkTck");
+      this->CPUSpeedInMHz =
+        static_cast<float>(strtoull(CPUSpeed.c_str(), nullptr, 10)) /
+        1000000.0f;
+    }