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Updates for conda & fedora builds

John Tourtellott requested to merge john.tourtellott/smtk:conda-fix into master

Two minor mods needed for conda and centos builds

  • Updates smtkConfig to show the actual pybind11 version. It was hard-coded to 2.3, which hoses conda builds that try to use smtk. Actually, it still hardcodes 2.3 for non-conda builds, to avoid any compatibility issues (the pybind11 version in cmb-superbuild is "2.3dev0")
  • Updates test macro to always set SMTK_SCRATCH_DIR whether smtk data is used or not in each test. The unitAttributeAssociationConstraints test uses the scratch dir but not the data dir. Not sure why this is only detected by my centos build
Edited by John Tourtellott

Merge request reports