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ENH: Improvements to Task UI

Robert M. O'Bara requested to merge bob.obara/smtk:moreTaskUIChanges into master

Changes to Port Snapping

Port snapping information has been moved from qtBaseTaskNode to qtDiagramViewConfiguration. In addition, the ability to specifying the offset distance between the Port and Task Nodes have been added.

Refactoring Arc Color Information

Colors related to an Arc's type has been relocated into the light and dark color palettes in qtDiagramViewConfiguration. In addition, the ability to specify colors for these palettes from a View Configuration has been added. In addition, qtDiagramViewConfiguration::colorForArc has been deprecated and qtDiagramViewConfiguration::colorFromPalette has been removed.

qtBaseNode Derivation Changed

qtBaseNode is now derived from qtGraphicsObject instead of being derived from both QObject and QGraphicsItem. This allows Qt's Squish to record interactions.

Fixed Bugs

  • Non-Port Arcs are now properly displayed based on their associated task's visibility.

Merge request reports
