ENH: New qtTaskNode Design
Designed New qtTaskNode
This implementation only depends qtGraphicsItems and does not use Qt Widgets. The result is both a cleaner looking design and also does not suffer from the transformation problems that was noticed on Macs.
The new qtTaskNode is composed of 3 main graphics items:
- An item to display the Task's state as a color
- An item to display and manage the Task's name as well as the Task's activation status
- An item to control the Task's completed state
Supporting the Snapping of Port Nodes
It is now possible to snap a Task's Ports to be close to the Task itself. This is controlled by the setSnapPorts and snapPorts methods on qtBaseTaskNode.
Other Changes
- Consolidated all of the color information used for task nodes and task port nodes into the qtDiagramViewConfiguration class
- When in connection mode, all single and double clink events are consumed by the diagram
- Fixed issue with Ports and Arcs not drawing correctly when initially reloaded into ModelBuilder
- Existing worklet and agent tests to use the old default style since they want to record task name changes
Edited by Robert M. O'Bara