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Adds a qtOperationDialog class for launching SMTK operations from a modal dialog. The intended use is for modelbuilder plugins that use menu or similar actions to invoke SMTK operations. For example, export operations are typically run from a modal dialog.

The qtOperationDialog is created as a QTabWidget containing 2 tabs. The first tab embeds a qtOperationView for the operation, and the second tab displays the "info" content generated by qtViewInfoDialog. The qtOperationView class is modified so that its Apply, Info, and Done buttons can be hidden and replaced by dialog buttons, and qtViewInfoDialog is refactored so that the "info" content is available from a new static method. An example application "qtOperationPreview" is also provided for checking the display, obviating the need to write a custom modelbuilder plugin. Here is an example of the operation dialog:


Edited by John Tourtellott

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