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  • Robert M. O'Bara's avatar
    ENH: Adding Template Support · 367889b6
    Robert M. O'Bara authored
    Attribute Definition Processing has been split into 3 parts:
    1. processDefinitionAtts which processes all of the XML Attributes assigned on the Definition XML node
    2. prcoessDefinitionContents which processes all of the XML children nodes of  the Definition XML node
    3. processDefinitionChildNode which will processes a single child of the Definition XML node
    This will allow Definition to eventually use Template Blocks
    Also refactored Category Processing into a similar pattern:
    1. processCategoryAtts - processes all of the XML Attributes on a Attribute/Item Definition  XML Node
    2. processOldStyleCategoryNode - processes the content of an old style "Categories" node
    3. processItemDefCategoryInfoNode - processes the content of the current style "CategoryInfo" node
    Added processItemDefCategoryInfoNode and processDefCategoryInfoNode for processing Category Information
    for Item and Attribute Definitions respectively
    XmlDocV1Parser refactored the following methods:
    * processItemDef - split into the following:
      * processItemDef
      * processItemDefAtts - for processing XML Attributes on the ItemDefinition Node
      * processItemDefContents - for processing the children nodes of the ItemDefinition Node
      * processItemDefChildNode - for processing a child node of the ItemDefiniiton Node
    * processStringDef - split into the following:
      * processStringDef
      * processStringDefAtts - for processing XML Attributes on the StringItemDefinition Node
      * processStringDefContents - for processing the children nodes of the StringItemDefinition Node
      * processStringDefChildNode - for processing a child node of the StringItemDefinition Node
    * processDoubleDef - split into the following:
      * processDoubleDef
      * processDoubleDefContents - for processing the children nodes of the DoubleItemDefinition Node
      * processDoubleDefChildNode - for processing a child node of the DoubleItemDefinition Node
    * processIntDef - split into the following:
      * processIntDef
      * processIntDefContents - for processing the children nodes of the IntItemDefinition Node
      * processIntDefChildNode - for processing a child node of the IntItemDefinition Node
    Renamed internal helper template function processDerivedValueDef to processDerivedValueDefChildNode
    which now returns a boolean
    Also fixed sbt files that contained bad default value elements caught by these new changes.
    Starting with Version 7 XML attribute template files, SMTK now supports Templates.  Templates are an extension to the existing ItemBlock concept.  The main difference between an ItemBlock and a Template is that a Template's contents can be parameterized.  When a Template is instantiated, these parameters can be assigned different values and will thereby change the information being copied.  a Template's parameter can also be given a default value.
    **Note**  All parameters that do not have a default value must be given values when the Template is instanced.
    Here is an example:
    . code-block:: xml
        <Template Name="SimpleStringDefault">
            <Param Name="a">dog</Param>
        <Template Name="SimpleAttribute">
            <Param Name="type"/>
            <AttDef Type="{type}">
                <String Name="s1">
                  <Template Name="SimpleStringDefault">
                    <Param Name="a">cat</Param>
                <String Name="s2">
                  <Template Name="SimpleStringDefault"/>
                <String Name="s3">
                  <Template Name="DiscreteStringInfo">
                    <Param Name="defaultIndex">1</Param>
        <Template Name="SimpleAttribute">
          <Param Name="type">A</Param>
    See data/attribute/attribute_collection/TemplateTest.sbt and smtk/attribute/testing/cxx/unitTemplates.cxx for examples.  You can also read the discourse on the topic here: