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FindHDF5: check that compiler wrapper is functional before using flags

scivision requested to merge scivision/cmake:findhdf5_nowrap into master

A common use case where the current FindHDF5.cmake gets led astray is Miniconda / Anaconda Python being used in a CMake project. The conda hdf5 compiler wrapper is first on PATH, but the conda compiler may not be installed.

This commit:

  1. checks that the compiler wrapper can compile a minimal HDF5 program before using what would be "wrong" info for a broken/missing compiler
  2. adds typical paths seen on Linux and MSYS2

In short, for Ubuntu and MSYS2 at least, FindHDF5 before this MR relied almost entirely on the compiler wrapper. In the systems I see, there are too many broken HDF5 compiler wrappers and so this MR strengthens the FindHDF5 algorithm.

Typical HDF5 1.10 library paths

  • MacOS Homebrew: lib/ | include/
  • Ubuntu 18.04: <system_libdir>/hdf5/serial | <system_incdir>/hdf5/serial/
  • MSYS2: <system_libdir> | <system_incdir>/{static,shared}/
  • Windows native: <install_dir>/lib | <install_dir>/include/{shared,static}/

Also, Windows native does not have compiler wrappers.


  • this PR is unrelated to !4343 (merged)
  • this PR fixes some of the issues in #20205 (closed), but more mostly orthogonal work may be needed for HDF5 1.12 (now in beta)

Issue: #20205 (closed)
Topic-rename: FindHDF5-verify-wrappers

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports