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VS: Support dpi setting via VS_DPI_AWARE

mattw-mattw requested to merge mattw-mattw/cmake:master into master

Dear Kitware, thank you for cmake, it is awesome. I humbly submit this MR in the hopes of making life for myself and others that use Visual Studio a bit easier, for development, and especially on the eyes, to allow us to set the DPI Aware feature in the Visual Studio project, as mucking about with the manifest compiler is highly difficult and frustrating. Many thanks, and please let me know if I need to improve this MR in any way.

set_target_properties("Files++"  PROPERTIES
		LINK_FLAGS "/ENTRY:\"wWinMainCRTStartup\""
		VS_DPI_AWARE "PerMonitorHighDPIAware")

Topic-rename: vs-dpi-aware

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports