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FindBoost: Fix config mode output and align with FPHSA

Dennis Klein requested to merge dennisklein/cmake:master into master

Assumptions I made (@pdimov Can you please confirm?):

  • boost-cmake in the inline comment refers to this repo:
  • If Boost 1.70.0+ is detected, we want to delegate the responsibility to print status messages to BoostConfig.cmake shipped with Boost itself.

Side note to understand the condition I chose: If boost-cmake was used (even with 1.70+), there is no variable ${Boost_VERSION} defined. So by implication my proposed if condition here assumes: if ${Boost_VERSION} is defined, we found the new builtin BoostConfig.cmake. The extra check against the version is redundant and just for better readibility.

Fixes: #19186 (closed)
Topic-rename: FindBoost-fphsa

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports