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FindBoost: Upgrade to Boost 1.66.0 and allow new library files names layout.

A. Joël Lamotte (Klaim) requested to merge mjklaim/cmake:master into master

Boost default file name layout at least on Windows will now contain the architecture bits (32 or 64) to help tools chose the right version instead of having a random default that forces the user to specify Boost_LIBRARYDIR if the default doesn't match their need (after they got a link-time error, far too late, instead of a build time error, as in this patch by default).

This patch will manage the new file name layout in addition to the previous ones. It will also make FindBoost look for the version of the libraries that match the architecture associated with the chosen generator. This will mainly impact Windows users by allowing them to not have to build for each arch separately and have to specify Boost_LIBRARYDIR. Instead they can now just build all in the same directory and FindBoost will link with the right libraries.

Fixes #17575 (closed)

Merge request reports