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improve custom command for Visual Studio

add_custom_command() understands generator expressions. Unfortunately it is not possible to add custom commands for one specific configuration only. This MR fixes this.

The following adds a post build command my_debug_command to tgt for the Debug configuration:

add_custom_command(TARGET tgt POST_BUILD

For Release an empty command will be added. In my case there is


somewhere written in the post build script. This causes the step to fail, so I had to run empty dummy commands like

${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch_no_create <somefile>

This works but clutters the post build script with nonsense content which is in turn hard to debug.

In addition, for every custom command which is added to a target, a new :cmEnd section is created. This MR removes all but the last :cmEnd occurences to make reading/debugging generated custom command scripts even easier.

Edited by Michael Stürmer

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