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  • Sebastian Holtermann's avatar
    cmLocalGenerator: Extend the functionality of ``GetIncludeDirectories()`` · b0b820ea
    Sebastian Holtermann authored
    What ``cmLocalGenerator::GetIncludeDirectories`` does
    In general it concatenates the
    1. ``target->GetIncludeDirectories(LANG)`` and the
    Additionally it performs some sorting and special treatment of the
    By default all ``CMAKE_<LANG>_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`` are stripped from
    the result list.
    When explicitly requested (by setting ``stripImplicitInclDirs=false``) *some*
    implicit directories are appended to the result list.  The implicit directories
    that *are* appended are those that were requested to be included by
    1. ``target->GetIncludeDirectories(LANG)`` or
    All other implicit directories are still stripped from the result list.
    The reason to not simply append all implicit directories is that Qt4's moc has
    problems to ...