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  • chuck cranor's avatar
    Cray: clean up CrayPrgEnv and CrayLinuxEnvironment modules · d59159af
    chuck cranor authored
      - add a new function __cmake_craype_linktype() that determines what
        link mode the Cray compiler wrapper will use in a more sophisticated
        way than just MATCHing for static/dynamic on the command line.
      - add a new function __cmake_craype_setupenv() that does a
        once-per-cmake-run setup that does the following:
           1. does a basic check of the wrapper's configuration.  Running
              cmake and then changing module and/or linktype configuration
              may cause build problems (since the data in the cmake cache
              may no longer be correct after the change).  We look for this
              and warn the user about it.
           2. uses the "module" provided PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
              to add additional prefixes to the system prefix path.  This
              function used to be done by CrayLinuxEnvironment using the
              compiler implicit include/link paths but that is intended
              only for cr...