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Swift: Enable SwiftMixLib Test on Windows

Evan Wilde requested to merge etcwilde/cmake:ewilde/enable-swift-mix-test into master

The SwiftMixLib test was failing on Windows due to a missing link against swiftCore. On macOS and Linux, there are mechanisms for extracting the libraries that the object depends on and passing that to the linker so that the library dependencies don't need to be listed explicitly. The Windows Swift toolchain does not have this mechanism.

In the future, it would likely make sense for CMake to pass some of the implicitly required libraries for linking Swift via CMAKE_Swift_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES. Unlike the normal mechanisms though, these libraries would need to be passed even when the link language is Swift.

For now though, we should get the test up and running again.

Fixes: #25573 (closed)
Topic-rename: swift-test-windows

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports
