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expat: Activate POSIX APIs even without compiler extensions

Raul Tambre requested to merge tambre/cmake:expat_arc4random into master

Compile with the preprocessor definitions necessary for the arc4random family so it's available even when compiler extensions are not enabled. Similar things are done in cmbzip2, cmcurl, cmlibarchive, cmliblizma and cmlibuv.

This issue surfaced on a nightly bot after glibc 2.36 added arc4random functions. cmlibarchive defines the necessary macro, but also relies on HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF. cmlibarchive's check with the necessary macro defined was skipped due to cmexpat running the same check before, but without the macros, and it being cached.

This extends !7320 (merged).

Issue: #20454
Backport: release
Topic-rename: expat-c-no-extensions

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports
