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FindBLAS: Do not statically link against iomp5 in the case of Intel MKL

Eisuke Kawashima requested to merge e-kwsm/cmake:fix-21811 into master

Simpler alternatives are:

  1. -liomp5, which may use static library, i.e., when -Bstatic is given
  2., which requires GNU ld 2.18 or later, as per the docs
  3. -Wl,--push-state,-Bdynamic -liomp5 -Wl,--pop-state

In any cases, BLAS_mkl_OMP must not be appended to BLAS_SEARCH_LIBS.

Fixes: #21811
Topic-rename: FindBLAS-mkl-omp

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports