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FindMatlab: Add component to find MCC, the Matlab compiler

Jason Heeris requested to merge detly/cmake:find-matlab-mcc into master

The FindMatlab package takes a new component to search for, 'MCC_COMPILER', and provides a new variable 'Matlab_MCC_COMPILER' if it is found.

Notes on the PR:

  • This is related to #18183 but isn't the whole feature requested, so I didn't add "Fixes..." to the commit message. However, it's still useful (I think).
  • I wasn't sure about adding the area: prefix either.
  • I have updated the docs. I haven't added any tests because there aren't any existing ones for eg. finding the Mex compiler and I'd have no idea where to start on them.

Issue: #18183
Topic-rename: FindMatlab-mcc

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports