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GHS updates

Fred Baksik requested to merge fred23/cmake:GHS_updates into master

Updated the GHS generator for the following issues:

  1. updated top-level project to support multiple project() commands.
  2. updated so that install scripts can function: install(TARGETS ...).
  3. allow targets to be renamed and control destination output: RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, OUTPUT_NAME, SUFFIX, etc.
  4. project files have been updated to be sorted by group and name, allow user to combine all source groups into target file or leave as one file per group.
  5. updated to allow transitive libraries to be properly linked into executable targets.
  6. updated how compiler flags and options are chosen to be consistent with CMake documentation.
  7. use the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL setting on targets.
  8. add support for OBJECT libraries, no longer produces bad project files for unsupported targets.
  10. support dynamic download Integrity Applications which do not include Integrate files.
  11. fix issues with cmake --build <folder> --target <name> failing to build targets.
  12. fixed issues with try_compile() and other toolset selection issues.
  13. add compiler verification along with detection of version, platform, and architecture.
  14. fix project issues when using standalone platforms.
  15. added additional tests with flexibility to run against non-default installations.
Edited by Fred Baksik

Merge request reports