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Shane Parris requested to merge slp091020/cmake:glob_configure_depends into master

One of the biggest drawbacks to the file(GLOB) command is that it is currently not able to check for content list changes without manually calling CMake to do a configuration run. Potential users of CMake often balk at the fact that you cannot use file(GLOB) to collect a list of source files, even though it is often argued that explicitly listing them is best practice.

This merge request addresses the issue by introducing the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag for file(GLOB) and file(GLOB_RECURSE). GLOB commands marked with this flag will be treated as inputs to the configuration process, as if a user were marking a file with the CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS property. This is achieved by caching all flagged GLOB commands to store their outputs upon initial configuration. CMake will use these lists to create a script which reevaluates the commands during the main check build system target. If the output of any of the flagged commands changes, the script will touch a stamp file to indicate this dirty status and thus trigger the normal automated CMake reconfiguration logic.

References: #11617 (closed) #11156 (closed) #9249 (closed)

Edited by Shane Parris

Merge request reports