Xcode: unwanted linker search paths cause warning
When generating an Xcode project, I see that for each -L linker path another one is added per ${CONFIGURATION}
-L dependencies/curl/lib
(which I added)
-L dependencies/curl/lib/Debug
(which I haven't)
The latter path does not exist and generates this linker warning: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/tamas/work/pms/build/dependencies/curl/lib/Debug'
I found this report from 2006 which describes the same problem: https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2006-September/011238.html and wondered if there was an opt-out for this behavior since then.
I dug a little in the Xcode generator source and found this:
for (auto const& libDir : cli->GetDirectories()) {
if (!libDir.empty() && libDir != "/usr/lib") {
Admittedly, I'm not very familiar with the CMake code base, but if I'm not mistaken, this is where the extra path gets added, unconditionally. Would there be interest for a PR that adds a property to opt out of this behavior?