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  • Kitware Robot's avatar
    KWSys 2013-08-06 (deec6b8a) · ce6eac8b
    Kitware Robot authored and Brad King's avatar Brad King committed
    Extract upstream KWSys using the following shell commands.
    $ git archive --prefix=upstream-kwsys/ deec6b8a | tar x
    $ git shortlog --no-merges --abbrev=8 --format='%h %s' beef6819..deec6b8a
    Brad King (1):
          e39f85e0 SystemTools: Activate EnableMSVCDebugHook under CTest
    Burlen Loring (1):
          1d882d4c SystemInformation : Better stack trace
    Patrick Gansterer (2):
          89e42c36 SystemTools: Remove duplicate code for parsing Windows registry keys
          deec6b8a SystemTools: Add a function to get subkeys of a Windows registry key
    Sean McBride (1):
          4c4f8a9e Supress clang warnings about dynamic exception specifications
    Change-Id: I37367dc5db58818d5954735e00c6d523a1dd1411