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  • Brad King's avatar
    Fix CTest.UpdateSVN with Subversion 1.7 (#12535) · 74eb86c4
    Brad King authored
    The test adds a subdirectory with
     svn add subdir
     svn add ... subdir/foo.txt subdir/bar.txt
    Subversion 1.7 fails on the second command with
     svn: warning: W150002: '.../subdir/foo.txt' is already under version control
     svn: warning: W150002: '.../subdir/bar.txt' is already under version control
     svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets don't exist
    because it considers adding an already-versioned file to be an error.
    Avoid the problem by using
     svn add --depth=empty subdir
    to add the subdirectory without the files it contains.