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  • Alexander Neundorf's avatar
    · 61d3444f
    Alexander Neundorf authored
    ENH: merge CMake-CrossCompileBasic to HEAD
    -add CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE for specifiying your (potentially crosscompiling) toolchain
    -have TRY_RUN() complain if you try to use it in crosscompiling mode (which were compiled but cannot run on this system)
    -use CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX in TRY_RUN(), probably TRY_RUN won't be able to
    run the executables if they have a different suffix because they are
    probably crosscompiled, but nevertheless it should be able to find them
    -make several cmake variables presettable by the user: CMAKE_C/CXX_COMPILER, CMAKE_C/CXX_OUTPUT_EXTENSION, CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME, CMAKE_SYSTEM_INFO_FILE
    -support prefix for GNU toolchains (arm-elf-gcc, arm-elf-ar, arm-elf-strip etc.)
    -move ranlib on OSX from the file command to a command in executed in cmake_install.cmake
    -add support for stripping during install in cmake_install.cmake
    -split out cl.cmake from Windows-cl.cmake, first (very incomplete) step to support MS crosscompiling tools
    -remove stdio.h from the...