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  • Brad King's avatar
    Remove `//------...` horizontal separator comments · 0ac18d40
    Brad King authored
    Modern editors provide plenty of ways to visually separate functions.
    Drop the explicit comments that previously served this purpose.
    Use the following command to automate the change:
        $ git ls-files -z -- \
            "*.c" "*.cc" "*.cpp" "*.cxx" "*.h" "*.hh" "*.hpp" "*.hxx" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmCommandArgumentLexer\." |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmCommandArgumentParser(\.y|\.cxx|Tokens\.h)" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmDependsJavaLexer\." |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmDependsJavaParser(\.y|\.cxx|Tokens\.h)" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmExprLexer\." |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmExprParser(\.y|\.cxx|Tokens\.h)" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmFortranLexer\." |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmFortranParser(\.y|\.cxx|Tokens\.h)" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cmListFileLexer\." |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/cm_sha2" |
          egrep -z -v "^Source/(kwsys|CursesDialog/form)/" |
          egrep -z -v "^Utilities/(KW|cm).*/" |
          xargs -0 sed -i '/^\(\/\/---*\|\/\*---*\*\/\)$/ {d;}'
    This avoids modifying third-party sources and generated sources.