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  • Fred Baksik's avatar
    GHS: Add toolset selection support · a37a4a00
    Fred Baksik authored
    -- Use the specified toolset located within GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT
    -- Update how the latest toolset is determined; scan the location GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT and sort it
       No longer use registry settings looking for installations
         The registry values are assigned in installation order for Green Hills tools not version order
    -- Update to use gbuild.exe from the proper toolset
    -- Clarify that CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM should not be set by user.
    -- Detect some toolset changes when regenerating project files
       This could occur if GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT was changed by user after the initial project generation
       This could occur if CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM was changed at the command line
    -- Use placeholder values for CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER
       The MULTI build system only uses gbuild to build a project
         gbuild uses the project file to determine which set of compilers to use based on target platform and architecture
         because compiler detection is skipped, placeholder values are used so that CMake does not complain