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  • Andy Cedilnik's avatar
    Create Xdmf branch for ParaView · b6c2b375
    Andy Cedilnik authored
    A new ParaView CVS repository was created on 2004-03-12 to re-organize
    the source tree layout.  The repository used server-side symbolic
    links under Utilities/Xdmf within ParaView:
      Utilities/Xdmf/vtk    -> .../Xdmf/vtk
      Utilities/Xdmf/CMake  -> .../Xdmf/CMake
      Utilities/Xdmf/libsrc -> .../Xdmf/libsrc
    to share the directories with the Xdmf repository.  The repository
    also made a copy of some files
      Utilities/Xdmf/Ice/*  <= .../Xdmf/Ice/libsrc/*
    The approach essentially created a fork of Xdmf with only a subset of
    its tree.  This commit was manufactured during conversion from CVS to
    represent the fork as a branch.