FEBio export problematic with sets and multiple objects
Using aeva 1.3.7 on Ubuntu
I am working on femur-ACL-tibia complex. Loaded STL files, generated face and node sets. Saved all resources (attached). FemACLTib137.zip
Tried to export ACL as a feb file. File created (attached) but missing node sets. I was able to view it with FEBio Studio. acl.feb
Tried to export all as a feb file (you can choose all of the geometries in the operations module). File created (attached) but it seems like only one volume is defined, e.g. no parts, or node sets, element sets or material IDs separating femur, ACL, and tibia. Node sets, some surfaces missing. I was not able to load it to FEBio Studio. FemAclTib.feb