diff --git a/Documentation/LidarView_Developer_Guide.md b/Documentation/LidarView_Developer_Guide.md index 05c95769508291f506637b5e24863c083b07fed6..e794ed1cd33b1d2483283eb90b84838df848c49d 100644 --- a/Documentation/LidarView_Developer_Guide.md +++ b/Documentation/LidarView_Developer_Guide.md @@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ The specific version of the following tools may or may not be available in your #### Windows specific dependencies <a name="windows-dependencies"></a> - - **Microsoft Visual Studio 14/17/19** Significant efforts are made to support both newer and older versions. - - If you have concerns over backward compatibility or Licensing, prefer using MSVC 14 (2015), see [Additional Instructions](#msvc15-installer) + - **Microsoft Visual Studio 2019** Only the 2019 MSVC version is supported. - **Qt 5.12.9** You must get it through the offline installer (Building Qt5 from source is a lengthy process) @@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ The specific version of the following tools may or may not be available in your `cd <work-directory>\build` - `cmake <work-directory>\src\Superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUSE_SYSTEM_qt5=True -DQt5_DIR="C:/Qt/Qt5.12.9/5.12.9/msvc2015_64/lib/cmake/Qt5"` + `cmake <work-directory>\src\Superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUSE_SYSTEM_qt5=True -DQt5_DIR="C:/Qt/Qt5.12.9/5.12.9/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5"` `cmake --build . -j` @@ -265,16 +263,8 @@ Detailed Instructions to run LidarView-based app Tests: [LidarView Testing Guide e.g If installed in `/opt`: `-DQt5_DIR=/opt/Qt5.12.9/5.12.9/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5` - e.g If installed in `C:\` : `-DQt5_DIR=C:/Qt/Qt5.12.9/5.12.9/msvc2015_64/lib/cmake/Qt5` - - - - **Microsoft Visual Studio 14 (2015) Express** <a name="msvc15-installer"></a> - - Get it at <http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=615464> - - You may need to use the `/layout` option to generate an offline installer : <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2015/install/create-an-offline-installation-of-visual-studio?view=vs-2015> + e.g If installed in `C:\` : `-DQt5_DIR=C:/Qt/Qt5.12.9/5.12.9/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5` - Alternatively, link to an ISO image: <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=615448> ## Troubleshooting / FAQ <a name="faq-instructions"></a>