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  • David DeMarle's avatar
    Flesh out ospray rendering and scene graph · c5a51d13
    David DeMarle authored
    make ospray pass create the scene graph so user doesn't have to
    move ospray specific controls to ivars on ospraynodes
    Improve caching
    Now we cache what we can but not so much that we
    fail time, or dynamic, or actor hiding. Also prevent double
    delete on actor hiding and style
    no special access just for ospray
    Access to scenegraph view node would probably be OK.
    make sure we get cell colors right for arbitrary polygons
    using a reverse index from triangulated (or cylindered or pointed)
    output cell back to input vtk cell. The output cells are homogenous
    but the input cells aren't necessarily.
    quad 0 -> tri 0 : rindex 0
              tri 1 : rindex 0
    tri 1  -> tri 2 : rindex 0
    color 0 -> color 0,1
    color 1 -> color 2
    flesh out point size and line width controls
    Now user chosen pointsize and linewidth on mapper matter.
    Also, user can designate a point aligned array to vary elements individually
    and user can provide a lookuptable to manipulate those values arbitrarily.
    In al...