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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: Merging changes from Overview_0_9 branch: · e837c0e1
    Jeff Baumes authored
    ENH: Added arrow types to sources.xml
    ENH: vtkAbstractArray is now able to create a vtkVariantArray.
    ENH: Updated vtkSelection::Union to handle multiple-column selections.
    BUG: Fixing string overrun in vtkAssignAttribute.
    ENH: Adding progress to vtkConvertSelection.
    ENH: Adding EdgeArrow type to vtkGlyphSource2D.
    BUG: vtkKdTreeSelector now always uses the specified array name in the output.
    ENH: Adding convenience method to set the vertex from a string.
    ENH: In vtkExtractSelectedGraph, use vtkConvertSelection to convert to an index selection.
    ENH: In vtkThresholdTable, make comparison inclusive.
    ENH: Adding support for vtkVariantArray in vtkDataReader/Writer.