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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: Representations now subclass vtkAlgorithm. · 68477df7
    Jeff Baumes authored
    This was done in order to:
     - Enforce input types on representations.
     - Allow multiple inputs to representations.
     - Clean up logic around updating representations.
    Other small changes that were necessary:
     - Current representation subclasses now override SetupInputConnections()
       instead of SetInputConnection().
     - vtkPassInputTypeAlgorithm (which is the superclass of
       vtkDataRepresentation) now does not error when there are no inputs.
     - vtkConvertSelection static functions now shallow copy inputs
       instead of directly passing arguments as inputs to the filter.
     - Keeping the PROP property in vtkSurfaceRepresentation's selection
       caused a nasty reference loop. This is now removed.