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  • Colin Myers's avatar
    ENH: Enhancements to vtkTulipReader and new support for clusters. · 568b8e05
    Colin Myers authored and Jeff Baumes's avatar Jeff Baumes committed
    1. Fixed previous behaviour whereby properties were assumed to be on
    both nodes and edges, leading to empty arrays being added to the
    graph when properties are only set for either node or edge.
    2. Node and edge pedigree ids are added that retain the id values given in
    the input Tulip file.
    3. Added double property type.
    4. Updated vtkTulipReaderTestProperties to cover 1, 2, and 3 above.
    4. Added ability to read clusters.
    Clusters (subgraphs) are output as vtkSelectionNodes within the
    vtkAnnotationsLayer on output port 1. Nested hierarchies are
    5. Added a filter to convert a vtkPolygon to a polygon of the convex hull
    of the points in the input. The filter ensures visibility by adding extra
    points and/or scaling the hull up. Static convenience methods provide a
    similar function, with vtkPoints as the input/output. Adding a vtkRenderer
    allows a minimum size in pixels to be specified.
    6. Added a filter to display graph annotations.
    The new filter takes a vtkAnnotations layers containing selections
    of vertices from a vtkGraph. Each node of the selection is
    represented by it's convex hulli/bounding rectangle.
    6. Added a test (TestTulipReaderClusters) that uses new
    functionality in vtkTulipReader to read in and display
    clusters/annotations, covering 4, 5 and 6 above.
    7. Added a test (TestConvexHull2D) to exercise the static methods
    in vtkConvexHull2D.
    Change-Id: I424a0a02e9ac82fdce78d931819f1dffce25796e