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  • Utkarsh Ayachit's avatar
    ENH: ParaView no longer uses vtkAnimationScene, instead created new · 2f87cd16
    Utkarsh Ayachit authored
    vtkPVAnimationScene which is directly a subclass of vtkAnimationCue which uses
    animation players (vtkAnimationPlayer) subclasses to play the animation
    separating the scene playing logic from the scene.
    Now the time for each tick given by the vtkPVAnimationScene is indeed the
    animation time irrespective of play mode (unlike before when the
    StartTime/EndTime changed based on play mode).
    ParaView now uses cue proxies that define the manipulator as a subproxy making
    it easier to create cues. Added a new cue for pipeline time which is added by
    default to animate the time keeper's time property. This cue has a mode in which
    all keframes are disabled, instead it directly uses the animation clock time to
    update the animated property.
    ENH: vtkAnimationCue provides information about the animation clock time in each