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  • Yves Starreveld's avatar
    ENH: For compilation on OSX with Python 2.3..... · 10496f49
    Yves Starreveld authored
    ENH: Python2.3 closed the -undefined suppress and -flat_namespace hack loophole.
    ENH: The problem is that python modules are MH_BUNDLEs by necessity, and that VTK
    ENH: required the ability to link a previous python module by a subsequent one.
    ENH: (Filtering needs Common, etc.) On OSX, you can't link MH_BUNDLEs, only
    ENH: MH_DYLIBS. The solution has been to split each MH_BUNDLE so that the 'meat'
    ENH: including the python wrapper code (indeed everything but the init function)
    ENH: into a MH_DYLIB, and then make a MH_BUNDLE that links to the MH_DYLIB.
    ENH: This allows the inter-module dependencies to be satisfied, and obviates the need
    ENH: for the -undefined suppress hack.
    ENH: These changes have been tested to be backwards compatible with previous versions
    ENH: of CMake (linking the MH_BUNDLES with the -flat_namespace and -undefined suppress
    ENH: flags makes no difference, it just isn't _required_ for it to build any longer),
    ENH: and older versions (2.2) of Python. Everyone on OSX should use Python2.3, though,
    ENH: since it is the first version that will actually build a Tkinter module without
    ENH: being hacked.